We are a community of social and behavior change professionals working to address health and development issues – positively transforming lives in Africa.


Country Chapters


Learning Events




Why we do, what we do

Social behavioral change campaigns have the power to positively transform the lives of countless Africans. However, we noticed that most SBC interventions have a short lifespan and it was important to create a skilled community, a reference point(knowledge hub) to support sustainability as well as the scalability of SBC innovations.

We decided to create AS-SBC – as a community for social and behavior change professionals to learn, share and harness existing skills and knowledge; to establish a self-sustaining hub for social and behavior change innovations beyond donor and/or project funding.


Looking to inspire positive change

Fostering networking and collaboration among social and behavior change (SBC) professionals.  Sharing best practices, experiences and learnings among members.  Promote standards of practice for: SBC design, implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation.  Mentoring and strengthening the capacity of young SBC professionals.


Several upcoming events and initiatives are being planned, all of which are centered around your participation and the benefits you receive as valued AS-SBC members. These events provide opportunities for networking, professional growth, and collaboration within our community.


SBC Consulting

AS-SBC provides technical expertise and a wealth of knowledge to help in the development of social behavior change approaches, programs and communications to address health and development issues.

One of our biggest success stories is “TOSEMBERERA – KEEP A DISTANCE” campaign – a brain child of our Next Big Thing Campaign Design and Innovation.  Approved and adopted by the Ugandan Ministry of Health as the national COVID-19 communication campaign; it has helped encourage Ugandans to adopt and sustain desired behaviors and practices that help prevention and manage COVID-19 pandemic. This campaign has also been adopted and adapted by: WHO, UNICEF and Water AID amongst others.


Our virtual and in-person learning network for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals to connect, collaborate, deepen their knowledge, build their capacities, standardize practices and deliver context-relevant SBC experiences.


These are the programs we have currently running, but we have new works in the pipeline.

Next Big Thing (NBT) Learning Events

Take part in our quarterly expert-led learning events and turn your ideas into reality.
So far we’ve had 7 quarterly learning events with over 280+ participants and we have so much more to share.

NBT Weekly Virtual Discussions

Join our ‘Next Big Thing’ WhatsApp group. Take part in our weekly discussions; generated from daily work challenges or trending social concerns. Also get alerts about our expert-led learning events.

NBT Campaign Design & Innovation

Join this platform, and learn how to develop and strengthen SBC interventions at a national level. One recent example of our work is the “TOSEMBERERA - KEEP A DISTANCE” campaign to help in the fight against COVID-19.


Join AS-SBC, Africa’s leading social and behavior change community. With members working and/or living in over 40 countries.

We have advanced our chapters to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Egypt, Algeria, Malawi, Ethiopia, South Africa and Niger. You will be in good company!