Goal 1: Strengthen the organisational capacity of AS-SBC

Strengthen the organizational capacity of AS-SBC

This goal is a priority for the organization. AS-SBC is a new organization with very limited financial and material resources. It has a structure with an interim Advisory Board and Secretariat composed of volunteers who are all from Uganda. Through a small grant from AfriComNet to support its strategic plan development, membership fees from 17 individual members and two organizations, and contributions from some individual members, it has a very small treasury. Consequently, much of what AS-SBC has done has been reactive rather than proactive. To address these challenges, AS-SBC will concentrate on the three objectives described here.


Join AS-SBC, Africa’s leading social and behavior change community. With members working and/or living in over 40 countries.

We have advanced our chapters to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Egypt, Algeria, Malawi, Ethiopia, South Africa and Niger. You will be in good company!


Build an active and influential membership of the society, representative of African
countries, development sectors, and SBC disciplines.

AS-SBC will design and implement a membership recruitment and engagement plan with the
purpose of increasing its total membership from 168 to 1,050 students and 2,700 professionals, and increasing the number of African countries represented from nine to 200, expanding the number of development sectors and SBC disciplines represented, and recruiting more members from government institutions and private companies.

Mobilise resources for AS-SBC

AS-SBC will develop and put into practice a resource mobilisation plan to fund implementation of this strategic plan. Membership fees will be central to the plan, including incentivizing members to pay annual subscriptions with clearly defined benefits of membership and convenient payment options. The Society will also secure funding through grants from private foundations and philanthropists.

Strengthen AS-SBC’s structures and management systems.

Both the Board of Directors and Secretariat will be formalised. The Board of Directors will be
reconstituted to include representation from various African countries and will meet regularly to guide the Society’s operations. Directors will head committees responsible for implementing each goal of this Strategic Plan.

The Society will prepare and execute annual implementation plans with budgets, monitored regularly through quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretariat will prepare quarterly financial and activity reports and annual audited books of accounts for review by the Board of Directors and members during annual meetings.

The Secretariat will be staffed, with clear terms of reference and supervision from the Board of Directors. Secretariat staff will support the committees responsible for implementing strategies outlined in this Strategic Plan.

In consultation with the Society’s membership, the Board of Directors will define and formalise AS-SBC’s relationship with country level SBC organisations.