Goal 2: Shape SBC priorities and standards of practice for Africa.

Shape SBC priorities and standards of practice for Africa.

 In collaboration with the Global Alliance for SBC, selected universities, and other stakeholders, develop SBC ethics, standards and guidelines for SBC and share them widely. The Global Alliance for SBC has already begun articulating ethics for SBC practice. AS-SBC will participate in these deliberations and subsequently draft standards and guidelines based on the mutually
defined ethics.

In collaboration with selected SBC academic and professional training institutions, establish a system of certification for SBC professionals and practitioners. The system will include a requirement for continuing education to qualify for periodic renewal of certification.

Convene at least one forum per year for African SBC practitioners to brainstorm
solutions to priority development challenges. AS-SBC will engage development partners,
international SBC organizations and Government institutions to help define challenges in need of SBC solutions, participate in brainstorming, and fund these forums.